
Posts Tagged ‘senior discounts’

Don’t be Afraid to Ask!

Seniors, you must realize one thing – There are many people out there who will take advantage of you because of your age! Sure you already know this, but that is why you should be getting at least three estimates before you pay anyone to do anything for you.

The TV shops are getting rich from seniors and the electronically challenged by charging high fees to come to you house and hook up your digital converter boxes. So shop around first.

This leads me back to the intro line of  Don’t be afraid to ask. If you call around to the trade schools, colleges or local businesses that deal in what you are looking to have done, you will more than likely find someone that will be willing to help you out, outside of school or work.

Call businesses and tell them you are in need of help and short of cash, because many will help you out anyway for a reduced fee, or for free depending on what you need done.

Be Very Careful Though, because you never want to invite anyone to your home unless you can have someone else there with you when they show up. Ask a friend or relative to come over a little before the appointment time and if they end up not coming over before the appointment time, then call the person back and cancel the appointment! You can set up a new appointment again, when someone you know will be there with you.

And remember, never pay in full in advance! Always set up the deal where you will pay only a portion up front and when the work is done to your satisfaction,  then you give them a check for the balance.

But don’t be afraid to ask for help from schools, businesses, government agencies, or from friends or relatives, because there are many kind people out there who still respect seniors and will help them out all they can. But like I mentioned above, beware of those looking to take advantage of you because you are a senior.

If you ever feel that you have been taken advantage of,  just look in government section in the front of your local phone book and call your State Attorney Generals Office. They will help you file a complaint or let you know who to file one with. It’s not that hard at all. Just let them know your problem and they will help you out.

Remember we are here to help on-line also! And if we can’t help, we will post your problem so maybe someone else can! So have someone you know contact us and we will try to Help Them, Help You! We support Seniors!
