
Posts Tagged ‘stop smoking inspiration’

The throat sighs!

Remember, Smoking not only is an extra expense that if set aside would buy you many necessary things while being laid off, but in the long run, it can cause you all kinds of complications that can shorten your life.

Quitting smoking takes a solid conclusion made by you to do just what you decided to do. Not some over night thought like a New Years Resolution.

My decision has been made from a friends diagnosis of throat cancer. Thinking about it seriously, anyone who knows someone that has physical complications or lost someone from smoking, has good solid knowledge that will back their own decision to quit.

Willpower will become a big part of whether or not you succeed on your task. To overcome that factor during your weak moments, just take a tally on how well you have been doing, then with pride in yourself and a glow on your face, simply vow at that moment to start another attempt again before you give in. Then get yourself away from the temptation.

That’s the key to overcoming a lack of willpower. Give yourself the opportunity of starting over again while looking back at your success up to that point, before you fail. You will choose not to fail if you are truly proud and actually determined. Before you know it you will have won the battle and temptation will no longer be a factor. You will have succeeded.

So good luck if that’s what you choose to do, before,  The throat sighs!
